Texas' turns 100 on November 10, 2007
History in a Seashell
Theodore Koch purchased the land around present Riviera from the King
Ranch in 1907. He established the town of Riviera on the St. Louis,
Brownsville and Mexico Railroad tracks. Koch had actually visited
the French Riviera and evidently had fond memories (and a good imagination)
for that's what he named it. A couple from Chicago built the first
house, but the climate didn't agree with the wife. They left and Koch
moved in and ran the building as a hotel.
1910 brought the new bank building (the State Bank of Riviera) and
a telephone system. The telephone exchange was operated out of a private
residence. Why? Because that's the way they did things in 1910. The
exchange didn't move until 1975.
Koch's plan was to develop both Riviera and Riviera
Beach. The two were at first connected by a simple dirt road,
although a landscaped boulevard was planned. In 1912 Koch had a railroad
line extended from Riviera and the futures of both towns looked bright.
The train was a streamlined affair with round windows resembling portholes
(no photos available). The train ran several times per month, bringing
prospective land buyers and future residents. It also resulted in
the development of the town of Vattman.
By 1916 Riviera Beach had a park
designed by a florist. Not just any florist, but one imported from
Pasadena, California. The resort's infrastructure was excellent, but
a seven-year drought ruined things. Then a hurricane blew in on August
16, 1916 and Riviera Beach was
nearly wiped away as clean as Indianola.
They rebuilt, but things were never quite the same.
Riviera did survive, however, and finally got around to incorporating
in 1964. |
Office of Koch
Photo courtesy Gerald Walker |
The Koch family
in November of 2007 at Riviera's 100th Anniversay
Photo courtesy Gerald Walker |
You'll need to
get off the highway to see the town
Photo courtesy Sarah
Reveley, 2007 |
Riviera's First
Fire Truck and Bank Building Museum
courtesy Gerald Walker, October 2007
More Texas Banks | Texas
Museums |
you go:
Riviera is a town where you should watch your speed. Because it's
on the highway and there is only one traffic signal, the 35 mph limit
is rigidly enforced. There's also a school zone that includes the
To get the full picture of the town's history we would recommend taking
the short drive to Riviera Beach.
Although there is nothing left of Mr. Koch's envisioned resort - you
can see that his plans were workable, had nature not been so cruel.
On the map Baffin Bay and Loyola
Beach look protected by Padre Island.
Riviera Beach connects with Loyola
Beach just a few miles north, and for birders, this is where they'll
find K - Huber Park. You can then return to Hwy 77 by FM 628 that
passes the former town of Vattman,
Texas. |
Riviera in its
Vintage photo courtesy Gerald Walker |
Riviera main
Photo courtesy Gerald Walker |
"Eight miles
east to Indian Burial Ground" historical marker
Photo courtesy Sarah
Reveley, 2007 |
Historical Marker
(Intersection of US 77 & FM 771 in Riviera)
Indian Burial
(Dietz Archeological Site)
Centuries old,
this burial ground was once used by the primitive Karankawa Indians.
A little-known group, this coastal tribe cared for Spanish explorer
de Vaca when he was shipwrecked in Texas in 1528.
Although previously looted, the site produced over 20 skeletons when
excavated by archeologists in 1927 and later. Also found were large
quantities of burned human bones (suggesting ritual cannibalism),
potsherds, arrowpoints, flint tools, fire implements, and shells.
European explorers found the Karankawas unusually tall and muscular,
but were repelled by their habits of tattooing and painting their
bodies and smearing themselves with alligator grease to keep off insects.
Much ritual attended Karankawa death, especially that of boys and
young men, who were mourned for an entire year. Three times a day
the family wept for the departed youth. After a year, the mourners
purified themselves with smoke in a special rite.
Ordinary persons were buried in shallow graves with some tools and
ornaments, but shamans (medicine men) were cremated during a ceremonial
Never very numerous, the Karankawas drifted into Mexico after the
white man's diseases and enmity reduced them to a handful of survivors.
1970 |
"Civil War
- Raid from Camp Boveda" historical marker
Photo courtesy Sarah
Reveley, 2007 |
Historical Marker
(Intersection of US 77 & FM 771 in Riviera)
Civil War
Raid from Camp Boveda
On December
23, 1863, Captain James Speed of General Napoleon J. T. Dana's Brownsville-based
Federal army force raided the unguarded King Ranch. Objectives to
take or kill Captain Richard King and destroy the Confederate cotton
trade. King, forewarned, escaped.
At the ranch the raiders killed Francisco Alvarado, captured confederate
Captains John Brown, Alvin Dix, W. S. Gregory and James McClearly
and Chaplain Hiram Chamberlain; rifled all buildings; dispersed
ranch employees, set the slaves free, confiscated all the horses
and mules, impounded Confederate cotton, saying that if it were
burned or moved, King's life would be forfeited; warned of more
raids from Boveda.
Mrs. King and her children moved to San Antonio for the durations
of the war, and the confederate cavalry of Colonel J. S. "RIP" Ford
- called Cavalry of the West - came to protect the cotton road and
the area. Federate units moved away from Boveda.
Camp Boveda was at a ford 2 miles east of here on Los Olmos Creek
-- Lot 1, block 15, Koch subdivision one, present Poteet Ranch.
Its seven
cypress-walled water wells probably had served the army of General
(later president) Zachary Taylor in 1846.
Riviera, Texas
Loyola Beach and Riviera
Upon reading your article regarding Loyola
Beach and Riviera, I noticed it was written by a Wayne Simms.
As I remember, Wayne was stationed at site 55 in Riviera, in the
Navy base located in Kingsville.
I corresponded with him while he was stationed in Alaska. Then,
I lost track of his whereabouts. He was a family friend. He would
have known me as Lynda or Lynn Pace. My mother, Gracie, owned the
Ranch Cafe in Riviera. By the way, my Mom owned, operated, and named
the original The Green Frog, and coined the phrase, "Service with
a hop!" I would be inerested in knowing if this is the same "Wayne
Simms" I knew. I write prose and poetry, jingles and songs, and
a few articles, all about Texas. In fact, I am now in the process
of developing the old "Hitching Post," of which you showed a picture.
You ought to see it now! ... Thank you.- Lynn (Pace) Sasser, August
11, 2006
Riviera, Texas
My Grandfather was born in Riviera (he pronounces it Rivera as well)
in 1913 because his mother and father had moved there in 1912 due
to the efforts of a land promoter, most likely Mr. Koch. They did
not stay however and moved on to land between Taft
and Gregory, as Riviera was not economically
viable as per my greatgrandparents' recollections. They ultimately
relocated to Corpus
Christi in the 1960s. - Jon Todd Koenig, September 25, 2005
I know little
about this place but what I've learned is amazing. Pronounced "Rivera"
by locals, it was a dream of a man blessed with money but cursed
with a location too remote, even by today's standards. Located on
Baffin Bay just south of Loyola Beach,
it once sported a large wooden hotel ( burned in the teens, I believe)
a railroad to Corpus
Christi, a bank along with many other buildings to include sidewalks
(still existing) and fire hydrants. A local restaurant has pictures
including one of the hotel. Built to lure citizens to a "Riviera"
type setting, I believe it failed due to being so remote and possibly
due to hurricane strike. I think it was there from the 1880's until
the hotel fire in the early 1900's. - Chip Haymond, August 06, 2004
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history and vintage/historic
photos, please contact
us. |